Alexey Balabanov, Vladimir Hotinenko, Alexandr Hvan
Sergey Makovecky, Garic Sukachev, Vladimir Ilin
Sergey Chliyantc, Vladimir Hotinenko
35 min, CTB Film Company, Russia, 1995
оriginal title PRIBITIE POEZDA language Russian
One of the three films that comprise Arrival of a Train, a collection of shorts made to celebrate the centenary of cinema.
Set at the turn of the 20th century, the film follows Trofim, a Russian peasant jealous of his wife for having an affair with his brother. Trofim kills his brother and runs away to St. Petersburg. When Trofim steps off the train in St. Petersburg, a cameraman who happens
to be shooting on the platform captures his arrival.
festivals & awards
10 festival selections, 5 awards the Best Cinematography; Suhsnestudent Postdam – Special mention of the Jury; Cannes: (Directors’ Fortnight);
Hamburg Short – Grand Prix; Monteccatini – Grand Prix; Taiwan – Grand Prix, Tous Courts – Grand Prix